Many people are familiar with hiking. Sometimes, they even misinterpret it for trekking. Trekking is actually different from hiking. Hiking takes place in a place with beautiful scenery and usually with a trail. On the other hand, trekking can be done in any surroundings. It can be on paved road or inside a wilderness. Trekking usually last from days to months and can be quite challenging.
Trekking is good for your physical and mental health. With trekking, you can get as close to nature as possible as you want to be. Want to go trekking with a bunch of friends? Take note that trekking is not for beginners. You also need to know how to hold your trekking pole properly. If it is your first time to do trekking, you should undergo proper orientation and lots of planning, not to mention, getting the right advice from people who have done trekking.
It is you first time to do trekking? Do not worry because trekking may be challenging but it doesn’t mean that you can’t do it. Besides, professional trekkers start from being a beginner, right? Here are 10 significant beginner’s tips for trekking you should consider following:
Tip1. Choose an easy trek first
You are excited for tough treks because you want some challenge and that is normal. However, if you are a beginner, you should choose an easy trek that suits your level. That way, you can enjoy the trek and your view. It would be less intimidating too for your first long distance trek.
Tip2. Get your body ready
It’s easy to walk but can you walk several days straight, with a pack bag on an uneven terrain? Worst, you can’t rest on your familiar, comfortable bed at night. Months before your planned trekking, you can prepare your body by walking regularly or if possible, walk long distance.
Tip3. Make sure you are physically fit
Before your trekking adventure, do a medical check up to ensure that you are healthy. While trekking, you may experience cold, cough, stomachache, etc. It is your responsibility to ensure that your body is fit and healthy to do trekking.
Tip4. Plan properly
While it may be exciting to get lost in the wilderness, it might not be fun at all in reality. You cannot rely on your mobile phone’s GPS alone as it may not function at all times. Read guidebooks, check online forums or you can ask friends that already tried trekking before.
Tip5. Choose your trekking season wisely
A proper schedule is a must for your trekking. Remember, winter season is not ideal for beginners. Remember to do last minute weather check before you go.
Tip6. Invest in good trekking equipment
Make sure you have good footwear that is suitable for trekking. You are going to wear it for a long time, make sure it is of great quality and can protect your feet. Also, consider getting a comfortable backpack. The last time you want is a carrying something that is uncomfortable.

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Tip7. Go at your own pace
This is not a race. You will get there eventually. Listen to your body – rest if you want to and take many breaks as you need. Trekking is a challenge but it should also be an enjoyable experience.
Tip8. Stay hydrated
Bring enough water. And LOTS of it. Choose a container that is large enough to last you until you reach your destination and more. Make sure that your water bottles are BPA-free products,You can find the best water bottles manufacturer in here. Better to have excess water than to find yourself thirsty and dehydrated. Drink lots of water during your trek.
Tip9. Pack lightly
Do not bring unnecessary things – it will just make your bag heavy. The clothes to bring must be quick-drying and at the same time provides insulation to your body. There is a big possibility the temperature in your trek location will suddenly drop especially if the weather becomes bad. Pack lightweight equipment and lightweight food.
Tip10. Check your budget
There are important factors on trekking such as expenses on food and accommodation. Consider these things and plan your budget. You should carry more than what is expected so to cover unforeseen expenses that may come up.
That’s it – follow these trekking trips for beginners you are ready to go on trekking adventures. Don’t forget to enjoy the experience and make lots of memories!