5 Gun Maintenance Tips for Your Next Hunting Trip

Hunting is one of the main ways descendants do to gather food and clothing for their communities. But these days, most people look forward to hunting trips to test their skills and enjoy the outdoors. While some people going on a trip use bows and arrows, guns remain the most common tool.

Maintaining Your Gun

With each use, your gun needs thorough care and cleaning to maintain safety and performance. Being a responsible gun owner entails a proper checkup of the weapon. Although you don’t have a career in gunsmithing, keeping your gun in good condition can be learned.

Here are some tips to have a well-maintained gun: 

1. Wipe The Barrel

Disarming your gun and wiping the barrel is the primary thing you should do. To begin, have your bore brush break the larger pieces of grime. After that, apply a cloth or a microfiber in bore solve and put it on your brush. Apply thoroughly and set aside around 10-15 minutes for the fluid to dry. 

Run the brush back to your gun’s the barrel once more and have another dry patch. Make sure to do this until no area picks up dirt.

2. Clean The Bolt Or Slide

Aside from the barrel, you should also clean the action of your gun, whether it’s a bolt or a slide. You’ll need to use a copper or nylon brush to scrub different pieces. Coat every piece thoroughly using a solvent spray. After that, hold the slide or bolt in a manner that the fluid will drip down to the pan or mat. 

Similar to the barrel, you should also let the solvent dry for 10-15 minutes before drying it using clean patches. 

3. Lubricate

After cleaning your gun, it’s important to apply lubrication to prevent damage and corrosion of different parts. Often, it comes with a tube and an applicator, allowing you to easily put it in precise locations where it’s necessary. 

Areas requiring lubrication will depend on the model and kind of gun. But generally, it’s best to apply it in locations where friction usually takes place like the points in which bolt or slide meet the frame and other points in which movements occur in action. For specific instructions, it’s a good idea to check the manual of your gun. 

While it is crucial to lubricate your gun, excessive lubrication might do more harm than good. The gun can gather bits of dust, debris, carbon, and unburnt powder which can create a sticky and thick slime, making it hard for your gun to function properly. 

4. Use The Right Load 

To ensure you’re getting the knockdown power as well as accuracy you need to optimize your gun, use premium and right bullets. It’s also crucial to match your load depending on your hunting trip. Bullet options for bigger games such as elk and moose must have a bonded core and thicker jacket to help guarantee a clean kill and help with penetration. Try asking gun shops for the best bullets in every hunting trip.

Always keep in mind to load bullets safely and securely to avoid accidents. Keep your fingers away from the trigger and make sure to put enough ammunition. If you’re new to using a gun, always put the safety on while loading or seek guidance from others.

5. Weatherproof Your Gun 

Rust is one of the greatest enemies of a gun, so make sure yours is well-protected. Cover the barrel’s end with durable electrical tape to keep water from coming. Doing so will allow you to protect it from wear and tear while you’re on a hunting trip. 

Make sure not to use duct tape since adhesive tends to leave tacky residues that can affect the bullet path and attract more dirt. See to it that your gun is neither sticky nor slippery to prevent mishandling.

Final Say 

Ensuring safety when using a gun is important, so maintaining your hunting tool clean is a must. Over time, tiny bullet fragments, leaving unburnt powder and dirt to build up. Though they contribute much to cause a misfire or jam, these can create malfunctions and possibly cause harm to its owner in the long run.

Aside from safety concerns, guns not maintained properly can cause performance problems. Messy firing pins may result in a light striking which will prevent the primer from burning the power in the bullet. 

So if you want your gun to function to its maximum potential and ensure safety, consider following the tips mentioned.

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