To many people, regular camping might seem extreme enough. But to avid adventurers, the thrill of camping lies in its unusual conditions. Extreme camping refers to camping that takes place in risky geographical locations or turbulent weather conditions.
While it’s not feasible to the family camper, it’s a must-try for seasoned mountaineers looking to add a sense of unpredictability to their camping adventures. Lack of predictability doesn’t have to mean lack of preparedness though, and that preparedness starts with knowledge and the right resources.
What is extreme camping?
To understand extreme camping, you must first understand camping. Camping involves a return to nature. It places one or more people in conditions that are primitive compared to modern-day life. As such, the idea of camping can vary from primitive camp sites to recreational vehicles.
Extreme camping, however, takes the core activities of camping to greater lengths. Core activities include location, food, and lodging. Other elements involve temperature. Extreme campers select the most remote, amazing, or dangerous locations. These can include the remote areas in Alaska, the outback of Australia, or even live volcanoes.
Depending on your perspective, they eat the most amazing or disgusting food gathered in the most primitive manners. This can involve crickets, various sorts of bugs, or even just vegetation supplemented with whatever nutrients they can carry in a small pack.
Finally, lodging can consist of some of the most difficult-to-establish protections against the elements. For instance, it can consist of sleeping bags hanging from cliffs or cots perched on narrow stalagmites deep within caves. Whatever you might call it, extreme camping requires much more from campers than camping does of typical people.
Simply put, you must be prepared.
1. Bring plenty of protein.
If you are high atop the bluffs in Kilpisjärvi, Finland or deep within the desert in Utah, you might not have the easiest time cooking your next meal. Especially if you have been hiking or exerting yourself for hours, you may feel light headed or have low blood pressure. As a result, you should always carry ready-to-eat protein. Three foods dense in protein include the following.
– Jerky: contains 13 grams of protein per ounce.
– Cricket-based breads: 50 percent more protein than beef
– Protein bars: 10 to 20 grams of protein, depending on the brand
2. Ensure an ample water supply.
Water is important, but clean water is essential. When it comes to water purification, people often think of iodine. However, halazone tablets are three times more effective at purifying water than iodine. You can buy halazone tablets or use water purifiers containing between 0.5 percent and 1.5 percent sodium hypochlorite.
3. Research your location.
If you are going to survive your upcoming extreme camping vacation, you should also enjoy it. One of the best ways to enjoy it is to select a place that piques your curiosity, tests your skills, and rewards your senses. Some great starter destinations include:
– Estes Park, Colorado: sleep on the side of a cliff
– Grand-Staircase Escalante National Monument, Utah: sleep beneath ancient stone arches
– Waldseilgarten Höllschlucht, Germany: sleep on the side of a mountain
Make sure you can handle camping this remote before you embark on a camping escapade in freezing temperatures.
4. Craft some quality gear.
Wherever you end up, you will require protection from the elements. For extreme campers, the best way to obtain this is to use quality outdoor fabrics and sew your own tent or sleeping bag for the conditions of the location.
For instance, sewing your own hammock for the purpose of dangling from cliffs ensures the stitching will be strong enough to support your weight as you lie suspended hundreds of feet above the ground. That said, the first thing you need to understand about sewing for extreme conditions is the technique of felled seam sewing.
Once you have mastered this technique, you should invest in some the following high-quality material and resources.
– Outdoor fabrics
– Needles
– Hooks and snap hooks
Finally, you should design your tent’s features according to your conditions. For instance, you should include high-quality grommets if the tent must hang in the air. You should plan the outer doorways to allow for easy access, and you should take into consideration slips for poles or other supports. Also, you must always account for bug screening.
5. Exercise beforehand.
Camping is only half the journey. Getting there will require endurance, and you should start preparing for your upcoming vacation by building your cardio to the point you can easily endure six to eight hours of walking or ongoing exertion.
In terms of muscle development, you should focus on your entire body, paying close attention to your thighs, calves, upper arms and lower back. Finally, you should be able to lift up to 80 pounds and walk for hours.
6. Keep communication.
Wherever you go, you might not have a reliable connection. Consequently, you should have a satellite phone that will keep you connected no matter your destination.
7. Learn from survivalists.
Whether you are a seasoned pro or an excited enthusiast preparing for your first excursion, you should take a lesson from people skilled at survival. Seasoned survivalists recommend every adventurer have the following gear in their knapsack:
– First-aid kit
– Fire starter: flint-and-oil based matches
– Hand weapon: hatchet, knife, or handgun

With proper gear comes proper physical training as well. As previously mentioned, ensuring peak physical condition is part of the preparation, as are basic survival skills, including:
– Shooting
– Rock climbing
– Archery
– Water management
– Remote cooking
– Hygiene
There’s no substitute for the thrill of extreme camping. Carrying equal mixtures relaxation and excitement, it comes with a post-adventure buzz that’ll leave you whirling for days – but only if your trip isn’t cut short due to overwhelming struggle. Eliminate the struggle by crafting a checklist, making this your guide, and trusting in your well-honed ability to thrive and survive.
Picking the right backpack is also essential in planning your camping trip. Visit to help you find the right backpack for your needs.