Best Tips to Survive RV Living

Living in a small space like an RV or a motorhome or a travel trailer is very challenging. As it is very challenging most of the newbies will be in a dilemma whether to start RVing or not. 

For those who are thinking about starting their RV life here are some tips. These tips will help you survive in an RV or motorhome or travel trailer. 

Best Tips to Survive RV Living

These are some of the best tips that you can follow to enjoy your RV life. 

Having the right gear

Having the right gear is one of the most important things in RV life. If you have the right RV gear with you then you will be prevented from many headaches. Choosing the right gear for your RV is always very important to prevent all these unusual headaches. 

As you are a newbie you won’t have all the knowledge about this. To make things easier for you here is a website that will help you in all aspects of RV living.


The first and most important thing you should start is to communicate with others. Communication plays an important role in RV living. 

As the RV comes with limited space you will feel it is very small for you. If you have any disputes with others in the RV then you will feel that the space is even smaller. To avoid communication you will perform some actions like going for a walk or going for a drive. All these actions won’t provide you a solution. These are temporary solutions.

The lack of communication with your co-passengers, maybe your wife or your friends or your family will impact your relationship. To avoid all these things you first need to start active communication with others. 

Communication not only plays a major role with the co-passengers, but it also plays an important role with the others. For example, if you are going to a place and suddenly your GPS stops working due to poor internet connectivity. 

Now you have no other alternative except to ask the locals about the route. If you are an introvert it will be a tough challenge for you. But you need to overcome it to become a successful RVer.

Know your RV

Before going out for a vacation in your newly purchased RV you need to know all the things like where can I find this, where can I find that switch, etc. 

For this, you need to read the instruction manual that comes with your RV thoroughly. If you don’t read this manual you can’t do things right. 

Perhaps you are sleeping, suddenly it starts raining at 2:00 AM and your fuse goes out. As you haven’t read the manual you will find it difficult to check which fuse might have gone wrong. Also as it is raining there it is difficult to check all the fuse boxes. 

But if you have read the manual you will have some knowledge about it and you can check it and fix it within minutes. You can also download the latest manual in PDF format and save it on your smartphone. It becomes easy to search for the desired topic rather than searching the whole manual. 

Expect the unexpected

If you are planning a vacation in your RV you need to expect the unexpected. The unexpected things will be like harsh weather conditions or your flat tire etc. You need to be well prepared for all these unexpected things. 

Some of the unexpected situations like:

  • What will you do, if you need to evacuate your RV?
  • What are your plans if your campsite is next to flash floods?
  • What will you do in case of a medical emergency and no signal?

All these unexpected things need to be considered and you need to respond immediately without wasting a lot of time. 

Prepare a checklist

As you are traveling in an RV you will come up with limited storage. You need to adjust with this limited storage and plan accordingly what you need to carry with you and what you can leave. 

For this, you need to prepare a checklist first with the items that you can’t live with like clothes, etc. You also need to know that everyone’s checklist will be different. You don’t need to compare it with others. 

After successfully preparing a checklist now it’s time to pack up with all this stuff. Put a tick mark next to the item that you have packed. This way you won’t get confused about what item you have packed. 

Put everything where you get from

Like cupboards and shelves in your house, everything has its place. If you haven’t placed stuff in the right place then be ready to face the consequences. 

For example, you took a bottle of vinegar or sauce from the cupboard and left it somewhere else without tightening the cap. Now you are traveling on a bumpy road and by now you can understand what will happen next. So it is very important to keep things in the right place. 

Enjoy the journey

The main reason for everyone including you and me to go RVing is to have fun. Without fun and enjoyment, you can’t travel in your RV. There is some sort of headache in RVing but once you see beautiful scenery or a beautiful location all your headache will be gone. 

So enjoy every moment you spend in your RV. These are the best moments you will carry throughout your life. 

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