When talking about hiking essentials, the first thing that comes to mind is either your pack, trekking poles, or tent. Footwear, on the other hand, is often disregarded, but quickly becomes the most essential must-have for your hiking adventure. Footwear provides comfort and protection to hikers, especially in the face of harsh environmental conditions.
There are several choices in the market when it comes to hiking footwear. Running shoes and boots are the most common. However, there’s no single best choice between the two, as both of them bring varying benefits to wearers.
This post will discuss the two most common footwear for hiking nowadays, hiking boots, and running shoes for men. This post will look into the benefits that each type of footwear brings. Read on below to learn more.
1.Hiking Boots

If you’re looking for a footwear that’s designed to protect your ankles and feet during a long hike, go for hiking boots. The durability and quality of hiking boots allow an almost injury-free adventure for a hiker.
Below is a more comprehensive look at the benefits that a hiker can get from hiking boots.
- Hiking Boots Gives You Resistance To Slippage – Traction has always been a critical feature of hiking boots. This type of footwear consists of slip-resistant materials. The outsole of hiking boots is known for its durability, while its midsole gives stability. Hiking boots are perfect to wear in cold environments where falling and slipping happen frequently.
It’s essential to note that there are two usual types of outsoles in hiking boots: the blown rubber outsole and the carbon rubber one. The former outsole type is softer and lighter, which means that it’s less durable, while the carbon rubber is what brings the overall traction to the feet of the wearer.
- Stiffness To Support Your Feet When Carrying Heavy Loads – Some people don’t like the fact that boots are heavy. However, the weight of boots is what provides stiffness. Stiffness protects your feet from the roughness of the terrain. As a hiker, you also need stiff soles to comfortably walk when you’re carrying heavy loads on a multi-day hiking trip.
Boots with stiff soles are also ideal for wearing in snowy terrains because of two reasons. First, it’s hard to take proper steps, so flexible footwear would only make you feel unstable and lead you to dangerous slips. Second, flexible shoes won’t hold crampon bindings long, the reason why rigid boots are the go-to-footwear for mountaineers.
- Durable Hiking Boots For The Rocky Terrain – Synthetic shoes are more prone to damage than leather hiking boots when you’re walking on rocky and rough terrain. If you take the general wear and tear into consideration, boots that are made up of leather hold up better and last longer when compared to other types of shoes.
Leather hiking boots provide the high-performance capability to wearers in environmental conditions that are less than ideal. A perfect example is the tactical boots that the military wears. The military tactical boots protect feet from threats like humidity, temperatures, abrasions, and dangerous plants and animals. For hikers, the best hiking boots that are of the same quality as the ones worn by the military can now be purchased in the market.
2. Running Shoes

Is it possible to hike in running shoes? Yes, but it depends mainly on the weather and terrain conditions. Hikers can choose between the road running shoes and trail running shoes for their next adventure.
Read on below to discover the benefits that running shoes bring to hiking enthusiasts like you.
- Lightweight Running Shoes Allow For Comfortable Movement – When you’re going to embark on an overnight hiking trip, chances are you’ll be carrying a load on your back with you. That said, there’s nothing more ideal than lightweight footwear that would help you pick both feet off the ground quickly. Always remember that a comfortable movement is essential on your hiking adventure, and that’s what lightweight running shoes can precisely give you.
- Running Shoes Quickly Dries When The Rain Pours Enenivtably – There are no waterproof footwear even if some claim to be. Unless your shoes consist of materials like plastic and metal, you can’t say that they are 100% waterproof. That said, the best step that you can take is to find footwear that is quick-drying. Mesh and lightweight running shoes dry faster than heavy hiking boots, which make them excellent choices in an outdoor activity where you’re expecting rainfall.
- Sufficient Ventilation for Hot Climates – One thing that running shoes are known for is their breathability. Ventilation allows moisture to escape from the shoes, preventing skin problems like rashes, blisters, and infections. Running shoes keep the feet of hikers dry, keeping them warm in cold climates, and comfortable in hot weather conditions. You can surely achieve great comfort if your footwear has proper ventilation.
It doesn’t matter if it’s your first time to go hiking, or you’ve been on hiking adventures for some time; you need footwear that provides comfort and protection. Take note of the things discussed in this post so you can better choose between hiking boots and running shoes to add to your hiking gear collection.