The Major Causes Of Pedestrian Accidents

The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA estimates there were almost 6,000 pedestrian deaths in 2017. This means one person was killed about every hour and a half in a pedestrian accident.

Read on to learn more about how pedestrian accidents are caused, and what you can do to avoid them.

Causes of Pedestrian Accidents

Pedestrian accidents can happen at any time and along any stretch of the road. They are more common in busy areas and where people tend to walk or congregate either for work or leisure. Also, children (especially those between the ages of 5 and 9) are at the highest risk of being hit by a vehicle on the road as they are smaller, less visible, and more unpredictable than other pedestrians.

Drivers must exercise reasonable care (known as the duty of care) while operating a vehicle, and failure to do so can be categorized as negligence. A pedestrian accident lawyer can help you learn more about what is and isn’t deemed reasonable care.

When it comes to drivers, some of the more common factors that contribute to pedestrian accidents are:

  • Driving while distracted – either by other passengers in the vehicle, events unfolding outside the car, or by texting and driving
  • Speeding
  • Not yielding the right of way to pedestrians at intersections or crosswalks
  • Cutting traffic lights or disobeying other traffic signals
  • Driving under adverse weather conditions or under the influence of drugs or alcohol

Pedestrians can also be responsible for accidents. Some of the most common causes of pedestrian accidents that are caused by pedestrians themselves include:

  • Ignoring street signs and signals, such as walk signs and traffic lights at intersections
  • Entering or cross traffic at the wrong time and disrupting the flow of vehicles
  • Crossing the road at places other than marked crosswalks
  • Suddenly darting into traffic or in front of a vehicle

How to Avoid Pedestrian Accidents

You can never be 100% accident-proof, but there are certain things you can do to lower the risk of causing – or being involved in – a pedestrian accident. Here are some pedestrian safety tips:

  1. Be predictable by following the rules of the road and obeying all posted signs and signals.
  2. Walk on sidewalks whenever they are available instead of on the road.
  3. Along stretches of road where there are no sidewalks, walk facing oncoming traffic and stay as far away as possible from driving lanes.
  4. Stay alert and avoid unnecessary usage of electronic devices.
  5. Always cross streets at marked crosswalks or wherever else drivers can expect to see pedestrians.
  6. Look both ways before crossing the road.
  7. You should never assume that a driver sees you, regardless of how visible you may think you are on the road.
  8. Wear bright clothing and try to avoid walking in or along poorly-lit areas of the road.
  9. Never venture out along the road while under the influence of drugs or alcohol.

Involved in a Pedestrian Accident?

If you have been involved in a pedestrian accident:

  1. Immediately call the police
  2. Do not leave the scene of the accident until law enforcement or medical service personnel arrive
  3. Try to gather the names and contact information of any witnesses
  4. Be careful not to give any statements to anyone about the accident
  5. Speak with a pedestrian attorney

Call an experienced pedestrian accident team for help with your pedestrian accident case. Your lawyers can provide you with a free consultation and will help you better understand your rights and responsibilities after being involved in a pedestrian accident.

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